May 30, 2012

bye bye friendzone. hello strangerzone.



when you were mine lyrics

"When You Were Mine"

Words spoken, my heart open,
No I never had butterflies like that.
We danced in the moon glow,
Your hands moved slow,
You kissed me on the lips,
Swore I wouldn't look back.
It was just like we were flying, in another time,

I felt the world was ours for the taking,

When I fell into your eyes,

Never a doubt that we would make it if we tried.
You promised you'd never break my heart,
Never leave me in the dark,
Said your love would be for all time,
But that was back when you were mine
When you were...

Here, with me, I thought we'd be,

Stronger than the past,

Better than the ones before.
How did I fool myself in thinking,
We had it all

I felt the world was ours for the taking,

When I fell into your eyes,

Never a doubt that we would make it if we tried.
You promised you'd never break my heart,
Never leave me in the dark,
Said your love would be for all time,
But that was back when you were mine
When you were...

What if this was it baby

What if this was our time

Maybe we're long past saving,
I'm gonna give you one try,
You better think twice,
Before you leave her behind.

And what if the world was ours for the taking

When I fell into your eyes,

Never a doubt that we would make it if we tried.
You promised you'd never break my heart,
Never leave me in the dark,
Said your love would be for all time,
But that was back when you were mine
When we were in love
Do you remember that time
When you were mine


(That was back when you were mine)

What if this was it baby
What if this was our time
(Back when we were in love)
Back when you were mine
(That was back when you were mine)
Back when we were in love,
In love

You said you'd be there,

You'd said it'd last forever,

I guess you've never really meant it baby
Did you baby?

omege ini lagu mantep.

May 29, 2012

omijrot sodara-sodara. gue smksali gak tidur semalem dan baru tidur jam 7pagi tadi.


gue baru bangun. pas 01:01. a. ahihihihi. krik.

masih ngantuk omijroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot tp bentar lagi bp...... AH ELAH.

sudah ah gitu aja dulu.

kalo mario teguh bilangnya salam super, gue mau beda dikit.




hai. sudah malam, ikan bobo.

ikan gue belom bobo btw. gapenting.

jadi, begini. gue habis ngobrol galor ngidul sama aldo pizi dan dika. kita conf. random chat sebenernya, tapi asik. mereka nyemangatin gue buat move on. terimukuci kawanz.... :")

terus msn aldo pizi alay, tbtb eror. jadilah dia tidur duluan.

tinggal gue dan dika.

gue akhirnya cerita semuanya ke dika. tentang telepon sore jumat kemaren, tentang gue nangis di telpon dan itu alay sekali.. dan 'dia' yang kemudian gabales sms gue.. dan gue yang merasa sedih dan galau... ETSAH.

no mama. no more mellow say no to galau. *joget smash*

iya......................gue cape galau gini.

awalnya cuma pengen nyari kepastian. karna yu know lah gue bentar lagi pergi. DUH. iya gue tau gue lebay gue ngomongin ini berkali2 gue mau pergi gue mau pergi lalalalalalalala tapi lo gatau gmn rasanya jadi gue. jakarta tangerang gajauh emang tp plis, gue bkl kangen jakarta BANGET.

h-47. iyaudah kalo gamau denger kata2 h min h min gausah baca post gue.

sebenernya kata 'sahabatan' itu udah cukup jelas sih, cuma, gue sempet berharap bisa lebih dari itu. kalo kata dita ini wajar karenaaaaaa gue cewek. so what kalo gue cewek. so what gituloh. itu lagu kan ya? -_-

jadi, gue memutuskan untuk... JENG JENG JENG JENG.

gatau gue gatau memutuskan untuk ngapain.................................krik benged.

masa tibatiba jadi inget percakapan milli dan nathan di film milli&nathan: (percakapan ini dimulai sama nathan)

"setelah malam itu, sori kalau aku ga hubungin kamu lagi. aku cuma bingung."
"iya maksud aku.. tadinya aku pikir, aku pengen konsentrasi belajar. aku pengen banggain ibuku dan dan adikku lia, saat ini, cuma aku satu2nya harapan mereka."
"dan aku gak mau sampe mikirin kamu juga mil. karena aku tau itu bakal nyita pikiran aku"
"aku tau"
"tapi aku salah mil, semakin aku berusaha lupain kamu, kamu makin susah buat dilupain.."
"percaya atau ga, aku juga tau gimana rasanya itu."
"mil, berusaha untuk ngelupain kamu malah ganggu konsentrasi aku, tapi sebaliknya, mikirin kamu bikin aku tambah semangat belajar.."
"jadi.. aku masih sayang sama kamu mil.. aku mau kamu jadi pacar aku lagi."

(hening, disini nathan coba cium mili. krik... )

"tunggu, aku belom jawab apa2"
"kamu gak bisa seenaknya gini sama aku nathan."
"maksud kamu?"
"kamu seenaknya dateng ke kehidupan aku, terus pergi gitu aja."
"tapi aku sekarang bener-bener dateng mill."
"tapi terus nanti pergi lagi kan?"
"engga, aku janji..."
"jangan janji2 nathan."

(hening lagi. milli mulai nangis.)

"aku tuh capek. nungguin kamu, aku harus ngelupain kamu.. kamu dateng ngasi harapan, terus enggak. kamu tuh gak jelas. dan aku capek sama yang gak jelas. aku mau yang jelas-jelas aja"
"sekarang aku bakal bikin semuanya jelas"
"enggak, aku gak mau terjebak lagi, nathan.."
"ya.. aku gak bisa terima kamu, selama kamu belum yakin sama aku"
"jadi sekarang kamu ragu sama aku?"
"kamu tuh terlalu. abu2 buat aku.. oke.. sekarang kamu boleh pergi. goodluck sama skripsi kamu."

(hening lagi.)

"bye mill."

at the end of the film, nathannya meninggal.

setiap orang pasti punya batas limit kesabaran. untuk apapun itu. untuk nunggu, untuk segala macem.

jujur, gue capek. nungguin dia, gue harus belajar ngelupain dia. beberapa kali dia dateng ngasi harapan, tapi terus pergi lagi. ilang. gatau kemana. dia abu-abu.

disini milli milih untuk menolak dengan jelas kehadiran nathan yang minta balikan. meskipun pada akhirnya dia nyesel ga balikan sama

terus apa hubungannya sama gue? gatau. disitu nusuk aja kata2nya, jadi pengen gue post.


i'll do my best for the next 47 days. buat mencetak kenangan. gue gak mau meninggalkan jakarta dengan perasaan ganjel.

dika tadi bilang:

gue mikir "apa dia takut ganggu krn selama ini gue ganggu dia ya... dia gamau gue keganggu kaya dia keganggu..."

ini cukup nusuk yea.

gue tau gue ganggu dia terus -_- duh. jangan2 dia memang gprnh sms gue gaara2 dia gamau gue keganggu, kayak dia keganggu gara2 gue. ngerti ga? gangerti? bubar.

yodah deh gitu dulu aja. ngantuk gue.

babay readers.

May 28, 2012

100 facts about me.

hey, i'm kinda bored right nowww so i think i'll just post this, 100 facts about me:

  1. my real nickname is rara. 
  2. i'm 14 y.o. and scorpion.
  3. i'm not a smoker, and never will be.
  4. i don't like boys who smoke.
  5. i've never been hospitalized, kind of opnamed, like that.
  6. i love to sing and cover song.
  7. i want to be able to fly.
  8. i love myself, my family, my life, my friends
  9. and i love you, bi.
  10. someday i want to be able to take pictures with Coldplay.
  11. i want to see Coldplay sing in front of me, live.
  12. i love number 12. forever 12th.
  13. i love November. 
  14. i love to eat, but dunno why now i less love sweet cake.
  15. and also chocolate. idk why.
  16. i love spending my time just staying in front of my laptop and make some story.
  17. i will be a novel writer.
  18. i am such an idiot if i'm around my friends.
  19. i not a shy person, but i've got a phobia.
  20. i've got a phobia called 'demam panggung' in indonesia.
  21. but i really love to be known. its kind of funny
  22. that's why i covered song on record mode, not video.
  23. i love to look people in the eyes and see their real emotions.
  24. i love when people trusted me for their story.
  25. that's why i think i want to be a 'psikolog'
  26. i love jakarta, so much. too much.
  27. i love the theory of 'taking pictures'
  28. i believed in allah. 
  29. i hate people who talk more but do less.
  30. i think boys with slight moustache is handsome. ok it's so random.
  31. i love white. and black.
  32. i can draw well. well, well. -_-
  33. people think i'm multi-talented. well, thanks! :-)
  34. i've already fell in love, and my heart is still for him. don't try to get close to me or you'll be dissapointed, just fyi.
  35. i'll leave jakarta in the next 48 days.
  36. as long as i live, the best memories between me and someone is between me and bi. pictures can't lie that we're happy together, couple or not. who cares? (me cares, actually.)
  37. if i have to choose friendship or love, i think i'll choose friendship, for god's sake. 
  38. so please bi, forgive my stupid question last friday. pretty please? : - (
  39. i love quote-ing. 
  40. and i really love reading novel. really really love it.
  41. idk why but i think LDR is not gonna work on me.
  42. idk why but i wonder what is it feels like to be drunk.
  43. because until now i only drink green sands. i love the redberry one.
  44. no alcohol, really.
  45. i wanna taste wine.
  46. i think be a girl is pretty hard... 
  47. i wish i could grow up with you bi. and see if time would change something between us.
  48. i'll wait patiently. i know relathionship is not a game so we should think about it again and again.
  49. but i'd rather not be your girlfriend than have to lose you forever.
  50. i think allah have a very great plan for me. 
  51. i love beat music.
  52. i really really love bi's voice.
  53. i think the word 'bi' appear mostly in this post. -_-
  54. i love to 'ngebolang sendirian di tempat baru'
  55. i don't like sport much. but i love to see my little brother kicking his rival at taekwondo championship.
  56. lately, when i pray, i cried. 
  57. half of my heart really want to leave Jakarta. just because i wanna see if you're going to miss me or not. k its so random.
  58. i can sleep everywhere i want to.
  59. i love to drive my mom's car.
  60. i think hug is the best medicine.
  61. i love to hear song when i'm on my way to somewhere.
  62. waiting isn't my middle name, but for you, maybe.. i'll put it as my middle name later.
  63. so it would be dara yudha waiting nur fadhilah?
  64. it's creepy LOL.
  65. i love to write LOL eventhough i'm not laughing.
  66. i love babys. cute.
  67. i love to use blazer.
  68. i'm into fashion, but not addicted.
  69. i can design clothes.
  70. i used to love pink. well, when i'm still a little girl -_-
  71. now i'm grown up. 
  72. sometimes i love my dreams more than reallity
  73. i am allergic to dust.
  74. i have a beautiful eyes. i do admit it. i love my eyes.
  75. i can sleep all day long. 
  76. i can remember anything you said.
  77. i'm not fat. just chubby. 
  78. i have a friend. her name is dita.
  79. dita is crazy. 
  80. i called her 'Dita Herkuli." idk why but i think that's cute.
  81. i don't like kpop. doesnt mean i hate it.
  82. the only korean words that i know is 'saranghae.'
  83. but i think japan is great. i know one japan word. "KAWAAII!" that's mean cute.
  84. i love teddy bears.
  85. i think android is great. i wanna have an android phone.
  86. but i also want iPhone
  87. and also an instax
  88. i want everything like crazy.
  89. i am fuckingly in love with blanket.
  90. i can't sleep without blanket.
  91. but i can sleep without bolster and pillow.
  92. i am unique and unpredictable.
  93. i mostly broke things up.
  94. i love guitar and piano.
  95. and i love buterfly. most.
  96. i covered song because i try to give someone 'a little message'
  97. it's more like, i do not sing, i tell stories.
  98. i love sunset.
  99. i love paris.
  100. love in paris is like a dream but i'd rather find love in you, bi,  instead. 

that's all. 

May 26, 2012

"I said that i would risk everything, but then i don't think so. i don't want to risk our friendship. so please tell me that you'll stay, promise me you won't leave.."

bi.. if u read this..

i wanna said sorry. i'm sorry my ego is so big.

please... reply my text message.. i don't wanna lose our friendship..

aku gak papa kita gak balikan, asalkan kita tetep sahabatan.

pliiiiiiiiiiiisssss kalo baca bls sms aku... : - (


May 25, 2012

oh friday morning.

hai readers. gue lagi bete banget nih. gapenting sih, tapi yaudalaya kan ini blog gue juga *nyolot*

semalem itu gue sengaja tidur cepet, abisan gue sms bi gada yang dbls, tp kan dy on twitter gt. gue sih berusaha positive thinking aja, kaliaja pulsanya abis tapi paket inet nya masih jalan.

ah. sudahlah.

terus yaudah tuh gue akhirnya tidur aja mana perut sakit banget. fuck pms.

terus td pagi gue bangun jam stgh 6 gitu. terus kan gue cek hp, msh blm dibales. yg rame malah sms dari dika dan nisya. maaf ya kawan, aku semalam tidur duluan ._.

yaweslah, pikir gue. kaliaja dia emang lg bosen sms-an sm gue. gue mulai negative thinking. ah yasudahlah. sudahlah sudah.

akhirnya untuk menghilangkan kesel itu, -_- gue buka laptop, ol twitter. terus...


kill me now.

gue gak ikutan coldplay live.

betenya jadi berlipat-lipat parah bgt.


ada yg bersedia gue pukulin sekarang? : - )

May 24, 2012


Letter #3

tadi keinget kalo bentar lagi juli dan berarti bentar lagi gue harus ninggalin jakarta.

gue pasti kangen bgtbgtan sama dia. bi. the one and only.

masa ya jadi flashback.....

gue masih ingetbgtttttt pertama kali gue kenal sama dia. pertama kali gue 'ngeh' kalo itu dia. you know what gue kenal nya dimana? DI KANTIN DI DEPAN TUKANG BAKSO. krik.

iya dia lagi mau beli baso gitu tapi gue mau beli crepes #ohpenting #teruskenapa

terus gue ngeliat badge name dia, namanya dia jelas2 disitu. gue syok kaget bumi gonjang ganjing. apaansih lebay banget gue. -_-

gapapa yang penting flashback.

terus gue nanya "elo yang namanya blablabla" terus dia bilang "iye."

terus gue jadi deket gitu sama dia. terutama sejak insiden hujan2an abis pulang ngerjain maket di rumah gue, 13 september 2009.

gue nelpon dia pas abis ujan2an, "oy lo dimana?" dan dia dengan santainya jawab.. "gue udah di mobil." krik....

dan akhirnya cerita pun bergulir. waktu berlalu.

hubungan gue sama dia gak perfect. kita sering beda pendapat, ngambek2an, marah terus kadang ngeledek. but you know what... everything about him seems to be so perfect.

semua itu gue sadari pas bagi rapot kelas 7 semester 2. since then i'm addicted with him. addicted. he's just like caffeinne in my coffee.

gue sama dia pernah jadian. tp terus putus karena gue bego.


abis putus itu gue sempet yang ya nyoba suka sm orglain gitu tp yah..... tidak tau mengapa gue bnrbnr gabisa lupain dia.

terus pas akhir kelas 8 gue deket sm dy lagi gitu. gue mintaa maaf sm dia waktu itu, terus kita deket lagi. demi tuhan senengnya kayak masuk surga.

terus gue mulai suka lagi sama dia.

terus gue nyadar:

gue emang gapernah nggak suka sama dia.

terus semuanya jadi complicated karena kita udah kelas 9 dan punya prioritas masing2. gue yang tipe setegah nyantai setengah serius gini masih suka sms-in dia, dengan begonya, padahal dia lagi serius belajar. ck. gue parah banget.

setelah un dan segala macemnya... juga masih aja ada kayak apaya... kan gue ada rasa sm dy jadi tuh ego gue gede, gue pengen dia ada buat gue terus padahal gue bukan siapa2nya dia. nah ego ini yang akhirnya jadi masalah, yah kecil sih, tapi gue berasa odong banget.

apalagi pas yang malem apa tuh, lupa gue, gue nangis gajelas sampe malem gara2 ngerasa bersalah gara2 blg ke dia kalo gue sayang sama dia dan dia gabales gt...gue kira dia marah segala macem gue udah pasrah gt lah.

terus besokannya dibales, terus dy blg kalo dia gabales itu karena lagi otw atau main sama temennya. gue lega karna dia maafin gue, dan terus disini gue mikir: gue gak boleh posesif sama dia, karna dia juga punya kehidupan sendiri.

sempet beberapa kali ngerasa kayak yah.. udahlah kayaknya emang gak worth it.. emang gak bakal bisa lanjut segala macem tapi tuh hati gue kayak masih bilang 'udah lo sabar aja bismillah worth it ra bismillah..'

jadi dengan segala keterbatasan gue, gue akhirnya memutuskan untuk menjaga yag tersisa. setidaknya gue gak mau kehilangan lagi..

udah berapa banyak temen gue yang bilang "udahlah lo lupain aja, cowok tuh masih banyak, gak cuma dia. dia juga udah kayak gak peduli gitu sama lo." sampe gue gabisa ngitung pake jari lagi.

nyaris tiap hari gue diceramahin dita biar belajar move on. kacau banget.

tapi ya... pokoknya gitudeh.

gue gak tau harus bilang apa lagi -_-

dear bi, makasih ya buat 3 tahun yang sangat awesome :')

awesome bgt. foto2 kita juga awesome. kitanya apalagi :'D

kenangannya juga awesome bgt...

boneka buat kamu masih ada di box yang aku umpetin di kamar aku, ada di situ bareng sama novel dan cerpen yang terinspirasi dari kamu, serta foto2 kita, dan beberapa foto dr tumblr yang aku print.

aku berniat ngasi box itu ke kamu, someday, mungkin abis lulus SMA, pas kamu mau ke ITB... aaamin biii :'D aku bakal datengin kos-kosan kamu, berdiri, megang box itu dan bilang 'congrats kamu udah bisa keterima di ITB.. kamu hebat banget." (kan kamu ngekos, jadi bole dong ya dikasi kan kamu udah gede udah ngekos -_-)

anjir gue gemeteran nulisnya.

semoga pas nanti aku ke SMA di IC kamu ga ngelupain aku ya.. semoga pas nanti aku SMA aku masih tetep cm syg kamu. idk why tp aku maunya gitu.

kita udah bisa ngelewatin 3 tahun persahabatan kita, suka duka berbagi bersama.. waaa wkwkwk.

berarti kita juga bisa bertahan untuk 3 tahun kedepan... aaaminn.. :"D

bi, believe me. you're the one and only. you're the best from the best. you're always be the greatest.

kamu satu-satunya sahabat aku yang stay selama ini. aku gatau gimana mau ngucapin terimakasih...

tapi semoga post ini bisa jadi kenang2an pas aku jauh nanti, kalo kamu kangen aku, (mungkin) -_-

i'll always stay for you. i'll always be there for you. you know how to find me.. i would do anything to spend more time with you.

kadang aku penasaran bi, kalo aku nanti mati, meninggal, gimana ya?

ah.. sudahlah. jangan beradai terlalu jauh.

oh iya. mau sekali lagi bilang terimakasih.

terimakasih buat kamu, iya kamu. bi, yang selalu disini. disini, tidak pernah terganti. terimakasih untuk semua kenangan, terimakasih untuk semua sms dan ucapan goodnight yang kamu kirim, ataupun saran-saran yang sering kamu kasih ke aku. terimakasih juga buat sabar ngadepin aku yang brutal ini. maaf ya, aku sering ngeselin, sms kamu malem2 atau ganggu kamu kalo lagi main. nanti kalo aku udah di IC kan gak ada lagi yang bakal sms2 ganggu gitu lagi, jadi gapapa yah aku jadi 'monster pengganggu' dulu sementara ini..hehehe. terimakasih untuk omelan kalo aku gamau minum obat pas sakit, aku tau kamu peduli sama aku :') terimakasih juga buat total 4 foto yang tertangkap kamera, dengan kamu dan aku didalamnya. 3 yang kemaren di farewell, satu yang pas kita kelas 8. terimakasih untuk pacaran 3 bulannya waktu itu, aku mau kok kalo kita balikan lagi.. HEHE  tapi aku takut kadang.. takut aku salah lagi terus kita pisah lagi. aku gak mau jauh2an sama kamu lagi.. terimakasih juga udah nerima kado untuk HFA yang waktu itu aku taruh di tas kamu.. masih inget gak sama CD itu? udah dibuka belom? hehehe -_- dan yang terakhir...

Terimakasih karna udah jadi salah satu mimpi terindah dan ter-nyenengin yang pernah aku alamin..

udah kayaknya, gitu aja yang aku bisa sampein. bunch of thanks, tons of smile,

hugs from far away..


quotes from some songs

alay dikit aaaah... mari kita nge-quotes dari lagu-lagu sejagad raya.

"I've tried playing it cool, But when I'm looking at you, I can’t ever be brave. 'Cause you make my heart race" - One Thing (One Direction)

"Cause you don’t even have to try, You’re already my number one. I don’t need the mellow tunes, And all the lines you’ve wasted over me. I don’t mind if time goes too soon, We’ll stay up all night an make it slower. And when the morning comes between us, We’ll just get ready to start it over.." - Number One (Adhitia Sofyan)

"Everybody can laugh at my face, Till their jaws touched the ground. I will be counting the days till I can run to you. Rainfall will through and my work here is done, And I’ll come back home to you..." -W.Y.L (Adhitia Sofyan)

"And we'll only be making it right, cause' we'll never be wrong together.  we can take it to the end of the line, your love is like a shadow on me all of the time.." - Total Eclipse Of The Heart (Glee cover)

" And I’m ok, I hope the best for you. Remember to go out and have fun, You could spend the day out in the ocean. I heard the water’s fine over there." - Deadly Storm Lightning Thunder (Adhitia Sofyan)

"There's so many times I've let you down, So many times I've played around. I'll tell you now, they don't mean a thing" - Leaving On A Jetplane (Chantal Kreviazuk)

"You came along just like a song, And brighten my day. Who would have believed that you where part of a dream? Now it all seems light years away.." - Can't Smile Without You (Barry Manillow)

"And i'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket." - Big Girls Don't Cry (Fergie)

"Well I would if you want to go, Just disappear from this madness, Yeah I would if you want to goWhere we will remain invisible." - Invisible (Adhitia Sofyan)

"I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand. If I'm not made for you, then why does my heart tell me that I am? Is there anyway that I can stay in your arms?" - If You're Not The One (Daniel Beddingfield)

"Never tought that one day i'd be losing you. And in other life, i would be your girl, we keep all our promises be us against the world. and in other life, i would make you stay. so i don't have to say you are the one that got away." - The One That Got Away (Katy Perry)

"Say goodnight, there's no more word to say, sleep tight.." - Nothing Personal Lullaby (Anggara Pradipta)

"And this is the time, i'm looking for chances. i wanna get in to you, and sing this song for you.." - Nothing But Words (Anggara Pradipta)

"I’ll let you know what’s on my mind: I wish they’ve made you portable. Then i’ll carry you around and round...I bet you’ll look good on me." - Adelaide Sky (Adhitia Sofyan)

"Now it's ust too late, i'm standing on this broken faith.." - 29 (Adhitia Sofyan)

"And i don't know why, sometimes i'm nervous and feel like i'm gonna die, that rain is coming with a smile that make me want to fly." - Rain Smell Comes Memories (Anggara Pradipta)

"Dear god, the only thing i ask of you is to hold him when i'm not around, when i'm much to far away.." - Dear God (Avenged Sevenfold)

"Close your eyes, gimme your hands, do you feel my heart beating? do u understand? do you feel the same, or am i only dreaming?" - Eternal Flame (Atomic Kitten)

"All those crazy things you said, you left them running through my head." - Wish You Were Here (Avril Lavigne)

"i love you so, that what you'll say. you'll tell me 'Baby, Baby please don't go away'" - Runaway Baby (Bruno Mars)

"i know you're somewhere out there, somewhere far away.. i want you back. i want you back.." - Talking To The Moon (Bruno Mars)

"So it should come as so no surprise, That I love seein my reflection in your eyes.." - Angel (Chase Coy)

"Still everyday I think about you, I know for a fact that’s not your problem. But if you change your mind you’ll find me, Hanging on to the place: Where the big blue sky collapse" -Blue Sky Collapse (Adhitia Sofyan)

"But if you stay, I will stay, Even though the town’s not what it used to be. And pieces of your life you try to recognize, All went down.." -Forget Jakarta (Adhitia Sofyan)

"If only I could find my way to the ocean. I’m already there with you" -After The Rain (Adhitia Sofyan)

"Secretly I’ve been in love with you, From the dawn of the days where the vampire roams" -Immortal Mellow (Adhitia Sofyan)

"Stay a while, still gazing the way you move, from far.. I’m taking it harder now I know, Shows coming to an end it seems.." -Gaze (Adhitia Sofyan)

"Leave the light on your window, I just might try to follow. There will be a time when I will finally find you.." -Midnight (Adhitia Sofyan)

that's all. : - )

May 14, 2012

Letter #2

you ask for another one week without comunicate each other.

if i don't love you and trust you this big, i might say no.

but i'm such a great scorpion. i do say yes for that thing.

please don't hurt me this time. please try to understand me. please be responsible. 

i still begging you to trust me and all that i can say is..

"okay. but all that i want is like, 'oh let's fall in love again.'. i'll risk everything if that makes you comeback. you may not believe me but i gave you all i had. i let you do things you love so that you would wake up one day and say 'oh why i am let her go' and start to love me. i still believe in Allah. i always pray for the best for us. yeah, us. not only you and me. but us. it's a meaningful word, you know? i still keep my patience and my pray for you. i'm still here to be faithful. but i worry that it would not last longer because, yeah i'll get tired too. please dont go for a long time. as long as you promise to stay, i'll keep my love for you, only for you. there would be no one else."

please, ya allah.. give me more patience and let him now what he's missing..

aamin..  : ' - )

"This is why we do it this is worth the pain
 This is why we bow down and get back up again
 This is where the heart lies, this is from above
 Love is this, this is love
 Love is why we do it love is worth the pain
 Love is why we fall down, get back up again
 Love is where the heart lies love is from above
 Love is this, this is love"

May 12, 2012

busy time!

heyyyyyyaaaa readersss!

gue lagi di kantor nyokap nih, Bea Cukai Tanjung Priok. 

dan gue baru saja menyelesaikan setumpuk dokumen yang sangat menyebalkan dan annoying : - ) bayangin aja, ada tuh yang satu map isinya 1243 barang dan gue harus baca untuk cari tau barangnya apa aja (sialan abis ini) -_-

gahhhh tapi sesuatu banget, pas gue selese, gue beresin dokumen terus cek hp, eh 10:10. #apatu

mau tau dokumennya sebanyak apa?


setinggi itulah sodara sodara. betapa sabarnya saya. 0:)

mihihix. sudah dulu ah, capek bener ni mata bacain begituan. wkwkwkwk

yuk ah babay XOXO! hv a great night everyone! : - D

if you're not the one

If You're Not The One lyrics
Songwriters: Bedingfield, Daniel;

If you're not the one, then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you're not the one, then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine, then why does your heart return my call?
If you you are not mine, would I have the strength to stand at all?

I never know what the future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We'll make it through and I hope
You are the one I share my life with

I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you, then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there anyway that I can stay in your arms?

If I don't need you, then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don't need you, then why does your name resound in my head?
If you're not for me, then why does this distance name my life?
If you're not for me, then why do I dream of you as my wife(man)?

I don't know why you're so far away
But I know that this much is true
We'll make it through and I hope
You are the one I share my life with

And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray that you're the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life
I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you, then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there anyway that I can stay in your arms?

'Cause I miss your body and soul so strong
That it takes my breath away
And I breath you into my heart
And I pray for the strength to stand today

'Cause I love you whether it's wrong or right
And though I can't be with you tonight
And though my heart is by your side

I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you, then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there anyway that I can stay in your arms?

May 11, 2012

i realized. and i'll change. because i won't make the same mistake.

May 7, 2012

my heart beating so fast. god please let this work....... 

May 6, 2012

Unpredictable. but i'll stay to be focus.


aku menatap senja yang perlahan menjadi semakin gelap.
pekat hitamnya seakan mengingatkanku akan luka yang kusimpan rapi di dalam hatiku.

aku menghembuskan nafas dengan berat, letih.

ratusan malam telah kuhabiskan untuk memikirkanmu.
ribuan jam telah kuhabiskan untuk menjaga tidurmu.
jutaan menit telah kuhabiskan untuk mengingatmu.
serta ratusan juta detik telah kuhabiskan untuk mengharap kebahagiaanmu.

semakin lama kurasa semakin letih..

dambaku semakin lama semakin semu,
semakin menuju ke titik pengakhirannya.

mungkin ini saatnya aku berhenti..

May 5, 2012

Shiver - Coldplay lyrics

So, I look in your directionBut you pay me no attention, do you?I know you don't listen to me'Cos you say you see straight through me, don't you?
And on and onFrom the moment I wake, to the moment I sleepI'll be there by your side, just you try and stop meI'll be waiting in line, just to see if you care
Oh! Did you want me to change?Well I changed for goodI want you to know that you'll always get your wayI wanted to say
Don't you shiver, shiverSing it loud and clearI'll always be waiting for you
So you know how much I need youBut you never even see me, do you?And is this my final chance of getting you
Sing it on and onFrom the moment I wake, to the moment I sleepI'll be there by your side, just you try and stop meI'll be waiting in line, just to see if you care, if you care
Oh! Did you want me to change?Well I changed for goodAnd I want you to know that you'll always get your wayI wanted to say, to say, to say
Don't you shiver, shiverSing it loud and clearI'll always be waiting for you
So, I'll always be waiting for youYeah, I'll always be waiting for youYeah I'll always be waiting
And it's you I see but you don't see meAnd it's you I hear so loud and so clearSing it loud and clearI'll always be waiting for you
So I look in your directionBut you pay me no attentionAnd you know how much I need youBut you never even see me

"so i look in your direction, but you pay me no attention, and you know how much i need you, but you never even see me.."
: ' - )